Stefano Zampaletta begins the elearning video by presenting Cementir's two potential strategic solutions for reducing CO2 emissions in the building: Utilizing Low Carbon Cement and Building More with Less Material like InWhite UHPC product ranges.
Following this, Søren Hvitfeldt Rasmussen focuses on one of these solutions, specifically the low carbon cement product produced at Cementir's Aalborg plant. Soren's presentation aims to describe the unique features of the white clicker manufactured at Cementir's Aalborg plant. Additionally, he will provide insights into the main design principles and enhanced performance of our upcoming new Portland Limestone Cement, CEMII/A-LL 52.5 R.
Take aways from this elearning video:
1. Cementir’s solutions on reducing CO2 emission in the building
2. The outstanding features of Aalborg White® clinker and the influence on cement performance.
3. Introduction of New Portland Limestone cement CEM II/A-LL 52.5R
4. The role of limestone as SCM

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